
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - We're in Things

We are on a campaign to get mom a new iBone, so are posting pics from the old one which makes us grainy. Maybe it is the picture taker? anyway, Enjoy Parker and myself!


  1. What a handsome set of bookends. M said you could come to our house. We don't get grainy ones, we get blurry ones from the two shakers in the house. he he

  2. My human doesn't qualify for a discount until next year! So it will be a while before she upgrades her iPhone... by then they will probably have a 5s or 6 or something.

  3. They look better than what TW takes. She'll pay for letting Sandy come so close. xoxo Happy Halloween Homey!

  4. Well, we think you two look pretty good!!
