Please read FrugalDougal's post about World Vets. I couldn't begin to be as eloquent as he is. @CathyKeisha is a talented writer and gives another view of this crisis. Please read her blog as well. I am part of a blog hop for World Vets. Please visit the links at the end for other stories and items for sale.
Several anipals are joining together to offer our handicrafts for proceeds going to World Vets, @Boomiethecat, @whskr, @CheshireK, and me, MaggieTKat. Some items will be auctioned on Cheshire's blog. Other items will be for sale in our store.
All the monies for my items will go directly to World Vets. I am putting together small quilted wallhangings and notecards. My first wallhangings will be about 18" x 22".
This wallhanging that is almost ready (need to do the binding). It is made from a kimono print produced by Kona Bay. I used elements from other fabrics to add collage to the surface. I attached the collages with free motion using gold metallic Sulky thread. The quilting was done with either clear nylon or rayon thread. Email me if you want to know specifics or better colors.
Here are 2 more hallhangings that I will be doing.