The absolutely most important job for the Kruse Kats is Quilt Inspector. We take our job very seriously. We supervise quilts in every stage of production. We approve the fabrics as they are chosen; the best fabrics are marked with fur. We help cut the fabric, making sure the yellow thing (rotary cutter) doesn't get too close. We inspect all the seams, making sure all the points of the pieces match. Other duties include sitting on the quilt tap during quilting so it doesn't fly away. After the quilts are finished, we check for threads, perfection of the binding, and just overall QC duties. When that is all done, we leave our "inspected by" mark, a bit of cat fur for luck. Mom and Dad give many of their quilts away to charities, so we need to give those a bit of special love.
the photos are: Rudy on a stack of quilts, Buster on the summer bed throw, and Maggie on the wallhanging given as a prize.